† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0302101), the Foundation of China Academy of Space Technology, and the Initiative Program of State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, China.
We present a modulation transfer spectroscopy (MTS) configuration based on an acousto-optic modulator by using a variant of the typical double pass structure. One beam is modulated by using an acousto-optic modulator in opposite diffraction order to cancel the carrier frequency shift and produce a modulated pump beam. The line shape performance is investigated theoretically and experimentally. Laser frequency stabilization of the proposed configuration is demonstrated for the 133Cs |62S1/2, F = 4⟩ → |62P3/2, F′ = 5⟩ transition. The Allan deviations, which are measured by using beat note signals and the three-cornered hat method, are 3.6 × 10−11 in an integration time of 100 s and approximately 4 × 10−11 in a longer integration time.
Laser frequency stabilization is widely used in atomic physics experiments and applications, such as atomic laser cooling, precision spectroscopy, and atomic clocks. A variety of laser locking schemes have been developed based on reference to an atomic transition, such as the dichroic atomic vapor laser lock[1,2] (DAVLL) and its variants[3,4] and methods based on polarization spectroscopy.[5–7] To reduce the sensitivities of a laser to fluctuations in the environmental temperature, magnetic field, and laser intensity, modulation and demodulation techniques are used to obtain dispersion spectra by using methods such as frequency modulation spectroscopy and modulation transfer spectroscopy (MTS).[8,9] The MTS is widely used in precision spectroscopy applications because of its Doppler-free background.[10]
Several MTS schemes have been reported in the literature.[11–13] The external frequency modulation required in MTS can be generated by using electro-optic modulators (EOMs),[12,14,15] acousto-optic modulators (AOMs),[16–18] or a combination of EOMs and AOMs.[13,19] Normally, a resonant circuit is used to drive an EOM, which makes it difficult to tune the modulation frequency flexibly. Comparing with the EOM, use of an AOM makes it much easier to vary the modulation frequency and implement the parameter optimization. As reported in Ref. [16], the AOMs that are used in MTS systems are often operated by using a double-pass configuration, which can result in an offset that is locked because of the doubled frequency shift. In many applications, the laser frequency is required to be stabilized based on an atomic transition. However, in the traditional MTS technique, it is necessary to use another AOM to shift the laser frequency back.
In this work, we demonstrate an alternative MTS configuration that is based on the use of a single AOM to lock the laser frequency to an atomic transition without frequency shift. The pump laser beam for the MTS passes through the AOM twice, and experiences both positive and negative first-order Bragg diffractions to cancel out the frequency shift. The radio-frequency (RF) driving signal of the AOM is modulated to generate sidebands. This AOM-based MTS system provides a convenient way to vary the modulation frequency. We investigate the MTS line shape of this configuration and its dependence on the pump beam power, the modulation frequency, and the modulation power. A laser is then frequency-locked by using this technique and the results are reported.
The MTS is based on four-wave mixing in a nonlinear medium. The modulation is transferred from the modulated pump laser beam to the counter propagating unmodulated probe laser beam, and thus generates the sidebands at the modulation frequency. The beat note signal that is observed by using a detector is in the following form:[9,14]
This expression contains an in-phase component (the cosine term) and a quadrature component (the sine term). The tuning of the phase of the demodulation signal enables the selection of either of the components or their combination. In addition, the sign of slope at the zero cross can also be adjusted to produce a sharp gradient without a Doppler background, which then provides an ideal error signal for laser frequency locking.
To achieve the frequency shift-free modulation, an AOM is used to build a variant of the double pass structure. The difference of this structure from the conventional structure is as follows. As shown in Fig.
A schematic diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Fig.
The pump beam and the probe beam were orthogonally polarized and counter propagated in the Cs cell, which was placed inside a magnetic shield and operated at room temperature. The modulation transferred from the pump beam to the probe beam via a nonlinear interaction with the atoms. The beat note of the probe beam carrier and the induced sidebands could be detected by using a fast photodiode (APD110A/M, Thorlabs). After it was amplified by using a low-phase-noise amplifier (ZFL-500LN, Mini-Circuits), the signal was then demodulated by using a mixer (ZAD-3, Mini-Circuits). The local oscillator (LO) signal was generated by using another channel of the direct digital synthesizer (DDS). The intermediate frequency (IF) output was filtered by using a homemade low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 8 kHz and has been used as an error signal for laser frequency locking. Finally, the error signal was transmitted to a commercial servo controller (LB1005, Newport Corporation) to generate feedback signal to the laser current.
A typical MTS signal at a modulation frequency of 3.6 MHz is shown in Fig.
The center frequency, which corresponds to 80 MHz, is the frequency difference between the carrier frequency of the pump beam and that of the shifted probe beam. The frequency differences that occur between the carrier and the two sidebands are equal to the modulation frequency, which indicates that this double pass structure imposes a fast frequency modulation on the pump beam without a carrier frequency shift; this is similar to the action of an EOM but offers more frequency modulation flexibility. Therefore, the MTS and the SAS actually correspond to the atomic transitions without a frequency offset.
To optimize the signal and provide laser frequency stability, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the MTS signal at the cycling transition frequency is investigated for different beam powers. Because the probe intensity is much weaker than the saturation intensity, only the pump power is changed when the probe beam is maintained at 0.13 mW/cm2.
As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) Measured peak-to-peak amplitude and the locking slope caused by the change in pump beam power. |
The peak-to-peak amplitudes, linewidths, and slopes of the MTS signals are investigated for different modulation signal powers and frequencies. The results are shown in Figs.
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) Calculated and measured variations of (a) peak-to-peak amplitude, (b) peak-to-peak width, and (c) locking slope with modulation frequency at modulation power 6 dBm. |
If only the modulation frequency is increased, then the modulation depth will be reduced. The measured peak-to-peak value initially increases and then decreases with as the modulation frequency increases. The measured linewidth increases with modulation frequency increasing, which is a similar result to that obtained in the theoretical calculations. The spectral line slope initially increases before decreasing. The theoretical calculations show that the maximum slope occurs at 3.6 MHz. Because the measured linewidth differs from the theoretically calculated value at 4 MHz, the spectral line slope signal reaches a maximum value at 4 MHz.
To investigate the laser frequency locking performance of the MTS, the signal from the MTS is sent to a proportional-integral (PI) controller to lock the laser frequency to the F = 4 → F′ = 5 cycling transition. The laser’s frequency stability is measured by using the three-cornered hat method in combination with another two laser systems that are stabilized by using the SAS technique. The beat notes are measured by using a frequency counter, which is synchronized with the same 10 MHz reference signal. The Allan deviation results for the beat note are shown in Fig.
We have demonstrated a method to stabilise a DBR laser by using AOM without a carrier frequency shift in modulation transfer spectrum. The effects of the modulation frequency and power on the line shape are investigated in experiment and in numerical calculation. The frequency stability of the stabilized laser by the MTS is measured based on the three-cornered hat method through measuring the beat signals between the stabilized laser system by using the MTS and another two independently stabilized systems. The Allan deviation is evaluated to be 3.6 × 10−11 over an integration time of 100 s and reaches a level of 4 × 10−11 for longer integration time. This system may provide a useful tool for laser locking with respect to an atomic transition reference.
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